
Designing Sarah's room

I am a group member of several local "sell your stuff" Facebook groups and the other day I came across a nightstand I just had to have.  The gal was selling it for only $10 and that is a deal I just can't pass up.

So then that got me thinking...the nightstand was dirty, like gunk splattered all over it (yuk!) and needed a really good cleaning.  And maybe a paint job.  But what color?

Then my brain started going into overdrive...silly brain!

What if I did this?

Is that crazy?  I think not!

My plan is to remove that top drawer altogether and making the inside more sturdy to use as a shelf.  In kid's bedrooms the furniture should not only be pretty (because...pretty) but it should be functional and withstand wear and tear that a toddler/preschooler/youngster dishes out.

So then I started thinking some more.  Uh oh.  And then I ordered fabric to go with this nightstand, which then turned into creating a design board for Sarah's room (who will soon be 2 years old - boo hoo).

See what I did there with the nightstand?  My plan is to paint it either a bright green or magenta with the shelf space (where the missing drawer was) painted a metallic gold.  This design board gives me all sorts of good feelings, like a quart of Ludafisk.

Keep checking back to see the progress of Sarah's room.

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