
First Piggies

Growing up I always planned on having three children, one boy and two girls.  Funny how it's not up to you what kind of children you get.  Needless to say, when I was pregnant with my daughter I was over the moon excited!  I finally got my girl and boy was I making hair bows like crazy.  It's a really good thing the 15,000 ultrasounds we had weren't wrong!

My little Sarah is 19 months old now, and I can finally do something to her hair other than attempt to brush it.  I've been experimenting with pony tails and today, piggies!  Her hair is still so thin and whispy and most of the time her bangs hang over her eyes, but I'm working on training it.  If you can really do such a thing.

This is her current "cheese!" face, I think it's adorable!  Yay for piggies!!!

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